In this issue you will find articles taken from other issues of Magus over the last four years. The reason for this is such a good one! Over the course of the last year, there has been a surge of brand new Adepts who have become students in the Modern Mystery School. This influx has resulted in a wider international student base, as well as an increase in those choosing to step onto the path of a Teacher, Healer and Ritual Master. Since so many people have only joined the school in the last year or so, they have not had the opportunity to receive the copies of Magus which featured the various articles compiled in this issue.
We are blessed to have Gudni and other senior initiates and Master Teachers convey some of the key lineage teachings through these articles. Some of the topics are pertinent information that all initiates should be aware of and have reference to, for instance, service in temple, the indigos. Some of the articles feature enormous insight in to background and foundational information that one might not receive anywhere else, such as the mindset of abundance, and why we are studying metaphysics.
A truly valuable component to this issue is Gudni’s article on water. This article is the only brand new feature in this issue. Having teamed up with Dr. Emoto and his scientific discoveries about water, Gudni dives into the metaphysical well of what water means to us. He connects to scripture and ancient text as well as providing some practical and useful tools for us to use in our daily lives.
Most of all, we believe these articles are too valuable not to re-print and ensure that all students have access to, either for their own use or to share with friends, family, clients and prospective students. I trust this issue will serve you well!
Christina Colli