The words “peace” and “prophecy” are two words not often associated with each other. When most hear the word “prophecy” especially in regard to 2012, it tends to conjure up images of destruction and sentiment of despair, a standard apocalyptic view. Apocalypse by definition means “lifting of the veil” or “revelation.” This begs the questions that the Mystery School holds the answers to: What is on the other side of the veil? What will be revealed?
What is the prophecy for these End Times that many are so fearful of? It is plain to see the world is in rough shape, there is more suffering, fear, hate, hunger, and disease on the planet now than ever before. Prophecy has told us, this transition would not be easy. But what are we transitioning into? What will be born from this long and painful labour?
As initiates we know we have a big responsibility in assisting in this transition. We know we must “be the change.” We know we must make choices that will not only serve our own spiritual growth, but we must also make choices that will serve humanity for its highest good. When the veil is shattered what energy will be revealed? What energy have we, as initiates, been creating?
Humanity and the planet alike are going through a massive shift, a raise in consciousness, a heightening of vibration. In this shift, change occurs, and change isn’t always easy for those clinging to the old ways that no longer serve. So in this, pain occurs as those fighting to hold on to power, money, war and domination clench their grip even tighter, choking it, leaving no room for breathing, no room for growth.
This is a daunting circumstance, but we know this resistance can’t hold much longer, prophecy says and the Mystery School tells us that in 2012 the veil will be shattered, and all will be revealed. What exactly will be revealed? What energy have you created to assist in this transition?
I choose Peace.
Christina Colli, Editor-in-Chief